Account Deletion
Want to delete your account? No problem! Just send a support request via the app and specify "Delete Account" in the comment. Steps - Click the hamburger icon - Click the Support button - Enter your Name & Email address - Enter "Delete Account" in ...
How do I start a multiplayer game, especially with just one other person? (iOS)
To start a Muliplayer game: Click MULTI in the bottom navigation Click "Turn by Turn" Click Player Count button on the top right of the "Game List" screen to select number of players Click "New Game" Click "+" in top right Click "Invite Friends" ...
How do I stop Control Center from sliding up when I swipe? (iOS)
Unfortunately Apple won't let us disable Control Center for individual applications. However, you can set Control Center to not show inside apps by doing the following: Settings / Control Center / Access Within Apps (set to off)
I see the message "Only the device user can make purchases"
If you are in a Multiplayer game only the device user can make purchases. This is so your friends don't decide to spend all your hard earned bucks on balls and alleys. If you see this message but are trying to play alone go back to the main menu and ...
If I switch phones will I loose all my purchases?
The "Remove Ads" purchase will transfer between phones provided you setup the same user account on your new phone as that from which you purchased "Remove Ads". Let's Bowl 2 version 2.6.20 or later (iOS only) We now support Apple Sign In. Click the ...
Why do I get "Commerce Unavailable" when trying to make a purchase? (Android)
If you try to buy something and receive the message "Commerce Unavailable" there are two possible causes. Either your device is not running Google Play Store version 3 or later or you have not configured your account. If you are running an older ...
Can I play with friends remotely?
Yes! But only on iOS currently. Click the MULTI button on the bottom navigation, then Turn by Turn, sign in to Game Center if you're not, select how many friends you want to play with from the drop down in the top right corner and click New Game. ...
Why was I playing on a cool new alley when my friend challenged me to a game, and now my alley has switched back to an older one?
Your friend has been busy winning bowling bucks and using them to buy new alleys. When your friend challenges you, you start out on the alley they start with. If you do not own this alley, you will be taken back to your default starting alley or you ...
How many players can play?
In pass and play mode, you can play up to 4 players.
What is Pass and Play?
Play with friends! A style of multiplayer that lets players take turns using one game system (your iPhone, iPad, Android or Kindle device) taking turns bowling each frame.
What is Game Center? (iOS)
Game Center is an iOS feature that lets you keep track of Achievements and High scores for you, your friends and other players. If you enable Game Center in let's bowl, you can check your Leader Board status and Achievement progress in the Game ...
What does 'Star Bonus' mean?
Star Bonuses that pop-up during play are part of the earning system. They are based on the star rating of your ball. The more stars, the more bowling bucks you earn!
What do the Stars on the Ball Description Mean?
Each ball has Bowling Buck bonuses. The more bonuses the higher the star rating. The higher the Star rating the better the ball and the more Bowling Bucks you earn with each game played.
What are Bowling Bucks?
Bowling bucks allow you to buy new Balls and Alleys. You earn Bowling Bucks while you play. You can earn them for knocking pins over, unlocking achievements, getting strikes, getting spares and getting turkeys. You earn more bowling bucks with higher ...
Can I add some Spin to the ball?
Yes! After you roll the ball, swipe left or right to add some spin to the direction.
Why does the ball bounce sometimes?
If you roll too hard (swipe up too fast), you'll get a wild roll.
How do I adjust how fast my ball rolls?
The power of your roll is determined by how fast you swipe up. The faster your swipe the faster the ball rolls. If you swipe too fast you'll get a wild roll.
Can I move the ball before I roll?
Yes! Touch the ball and drag left or right. You can place the ball anywhere between the gutters.
Why does my ball keeps going in the gutter?
Let's Bowl 2 is a 3D game when you swipe up to bowl be sure to swipe towards the pins. If your ball is off to the side and you swipe straight up you'll end up in the gutter.
How do I aim?
While you're swiping up, swipe towards the pin you want to hit.
How do I roll the Ball?
Touch the ball and swipe up towards the Pins. The faster you swipe the faster the ball will roll.